Monday, August 18, 2008

Shut Up? Not So Much!

The Aug. 16 Long Beach Telegram’s story about offshore drilling includes the following quote from oil industry geologist Mel Wright, who wants to start drilling off California’s coast:

"They've got all the information in their files right now, and they could start the minute the Sierra Club shuts up.”
We can’t “shut up” if it means oil companies will start drilling our beautiful coast. Shutting up would mean putting up with increased spills and spoilage. It also means ignoring more sustainable solutions that that will bring down gas prices much more quickly, such as improvements to vehicle fuel efficiency, use of alternative fuels and smarter community planning that cuts the amount of time commuters spend in their vehicles.

Of course, it’s not just us speaking out against offshore oil drilling: A bipartisan group of California lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger also stand ready to guard our coasts against offshore drilling.

Remember: even the Bush Administration has acknowledged that drilling for oil won’t pay off for 10 years or more. We can either drill and wait for new oil supplies that will lower our price at the pump by just a few cents – or we can give voice to entrepreneurs, innovators and everyday Californians in their efforts to power up a clean energy economy.

Things like basic vehicle maintenance can mean so much. As Governor Schwarzenegger himself said today about a new program called “
EcoDriving USA”:

“I am talking about simple things, like proper tire pressure, avoiding rapid starts and stops, and keeping your engine tuned up. This is no substitute for a consistent, long-term, national energy policy, but it rovides immediate, tangible relief from high gas prices…. We don’t have to wait for the

You can’t expect us to shut up anytime soon, but you can expect a lot more vocal discussion about California’s future. Read more at Sierra Club California's
Energy page.

-Paul Mason, Deputy Director

Historic image courtesy U.S. Department of Energy

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